Confinement Day 6 in France: Foreign students and isolation

It's Day 6 of the confinement. 

A French newspaper, Le Monde, reported the situations of foreign students in France in the Coronavirus crisis. Foreign students were recommended to go back to their home country if possible and some went back. But some stayed due to the rise of airplane tickets resulting from multiple cancelations as well as because of the fact that they risk being put into quarantine at their arrival in their own country. 

As the article reports, many of them are stuck in a small room without classes to go to, friends to talk to or jobs from which they can make money. Most of the French students have the possibility of going back to their parents' house during this lockdown, but not all foreign students can do so. This is a very hard time for us who study abroad in France.

If you are interested in reading more about it (and if you can read French), here is the article.

In my university, a phone line was set up by the university health center to receive calls from students enabling them to ask about health concerns or get psychological support. They give consultations on whether you need to seek medical help or not in case you feel sick but when you don't know if it's serious enough to call the emergency service. I think it's a very good system but not sure if they take calls in English for those students who are not necessarily fluent in the language.

I believe almost all the courses are given in French at my university but there are many students from abroad who go to the language school attached to it. In their case, extended linguistic support would be needed. 

If you are a foreigner staying (or were staying) in France, please share your situation and experience. And do not hesitate to seek help at your university or institution. 

Stick together (not physically, social distancing is still important) and don't isolate yourself. I'd be happy to exchange with you in this difficult time. Stay safe.

Thank you always for reading.


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