Confinement Day 2 in France

So, it is the second day of confinement in France. I was pretty productive today. I finished one of my translation works and I started another one. Honestly, I wouldn't have had the time to do them if the university was not closed.

Also, I responded to some emails relating, again, to my work, which I had been putting off for some time.

We still have not gone outside since Monday morning. Being inside all the time does not really bother us because we are kind of two workaholics living under the same roof. My partner and I worked until around six o'clock and then we did some physical exercise before making dinner. We watched a movie after eating and got back to work: #workaholics.

I might go outside for a run tomorrow.

Tell me about your day! I'm working on a video on how I work on my notes for law classes. Stay tuned if you are interested.

Thank you always for reading. Stay healthy!


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