Confinement Day 3 in France and 13 Reasons Why

Another somewhat productive day has passed. In the morning, I worked on my translation job for 3 hours and we had an early lunch at around 11 am. Then I watched a couple of episodes of the Netflix series "13 Reasons Why" (yes, I know that I'm totally late for the party). I made it to Episode 4 of Season 1 (so no spoilers, please). In the afternoon, I studied special contracts law: I mostly did the reading from textbooks and other sources. 

"13 Reasons Why" makes me think about a lot of things, as it did for many other people. It not only addresses the problem of sexual harassment toward women (and especially toward young teenage girls) but also the harm of homosocial pressure amongst men. I did go to an American high school for a year and it reminds me of those days as well, parts of it that were good and bad. 

The high school that I went for a one-year exchange was a very small school in the Midwest, USA. Of course, the exchange program organization made it sure that students were sent to "safe" places so, necessarily, schools were pretty small and in a rural part of the States. It was a very interesting experience and I hope I can write about it someday. I would just say that because of the size of the school, it was not like the high school in the series, but it was not too far either. There were still "cool" kids and "nerds", but also students who are somewhere in between. I faced a lot of stereotypes in the States.

These Netflix series prompts me to reflect on how I felt back then of students around me and of my self as well as my privileges as a foreign exchange student who could actually afford to be one. 

I am looking forward to watching the rest of the episodes knowing that they would be surely difficult to watch due to their themes and scenes. 

If you have seen the series, let me know how you felt or what you thought of it (depending on whether you went to school in the States or not).

I hope you are all well. Stay healthy!


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