If you arrive in Japan from USA, you'll be quarantined starting sometime this week

According to the Nikkei Asian Review (see the article in English here), the Japanese government decided that travelers from the United States will be asked to quarantine at home or at a hotel for 14 days upon arrival in Japan. You will be asked not to use any public transportation: trains, buses, airplanes... If you were to arrive at the airport in Tokyo for example and then you were planning to fly to another city with a domestic line, you'll be stuck at the airport that you arrived at. Your transit flight will have to be canceled.

This measure will continue until the end of April (as of March 22, 2020). According to the Asahi newspaper, the location (whether at your home or in a hotel) will be appointed by the head of the quarantine station at the arriving airport but the details are not yet announced (see the article in Japanese here).

The problem? How are you supposed to get home or get to your hotel without using public transportation? No instructions so far... 

The Japanese government has been "asking" people a lot of things from the beginning of this Coronavirus crisis, but it refuses to take any responsibility for its own decision. They have asked the companies to switch to teleworking without little if any compensation, they asked schools to be closed without implementing any means to ensure the continuity of children's education.

What will this time be? Are they offering transportation from the airport to home or to a hotel? What if you don't have anyone who could pick you up? Or could your family or friends (or any transportation service) even pick you up if you are asked to be quarantined? 

Are they paying for the hotel stays if the officers decide that you need to stay at a hotel and not at home? Who knows?

In order to answer these questions, we need to wait for the official announcement that is expected today (March 23, 2020), if they even have any details to the measure, of course.


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